Wifi in a garden office

Wifi in a garden office

The owners of this fantastic garden office tucked away in the Kent countryside found me via a mutual acquaintance. After 5 months of frustration and two failed solutions to get wifi in their garden building they finally got it connected to the internet. 

Now it's the perfect place to work from home.

They were also pleasantly surprised to learn that I could get the office connected to the internet for less than they had been quoted by other companies. One solution costing £3500 proposed using fibre optic links buried by a digger, the second option was to get a second Open Reach connection, but that didn't progress either. I think someone mentioned an ethernet over mains adaptor :) 

So what do we do?

By installing a PTP (point-to-point) wifi bridge we connected the office to the router in the house, then utilised a Dual Band wifi router in the office to distribute wifi at 2.4GHz and 5GHz combined.

wifi in garden office
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